Human Environmental FactorsInfluencing the Design of Residential Communities


Recent efforts on designing and planning residential Communities have involved collaborative and
interdisciplinary approaches. The major objective of
implying interdisciplinary approaches has been to provide a comprehensive knowledge about man in high density urban ,areas has put more pressure on designers to undertake some intense architectural studies in relation to various issues I regarding «man» and his Iivll1g «environment». The concern for some viable human - environmental design factors could directly influence the quality of living spaces
in residential communities.
This article examines some major human
environn1t'Hal factors which are Influential in developing the form of residential communities. These factors include: Physical - social continuity of residential communities with their surrounding environments, local identity, privacy versus social interaction, accessability (in the sense of pedestrian and vehicular requirements) and required Parking, internal integrity between residential units, and climatic - energy considerations,
Although an indepth look into each of these factors would require some long process of studies and research, this article encourages researchers for more ellaborate studies in the futute.