

We use goods such as housing, clothing, food and music not only for comfort and survival but to make statements about ourselves our feelings, who we are and how we are similar to or different from other people. Some of sociologists, show how people use music and art to display social status which could be defined as a system of classify based on symbolic differences. They all suggest that cultural consumption and taste can be seen as symbolic communication and as a mean to establish social relationships, networks and status groups. It has also been argued that the symbolic communication or status is much more important in modern times and urban environments because of the frequency of superficial social contacts in these locations. This article studies music in its social context. Main goal of this article is to study musical consumption among people with different social statuses.Musical consumption in this article is a part of cultural consumption and writers study two types of musical consumption: Musical exclusion and musical tolerance which is defined as a behavior in consumption for people who limit themselves in their choices for all different kinds of music and for those people who does not restrict their choices in different kinds of music respectively. The distinguishing mechanism of status culture may be musical exclusion and musical tolerance. According to the mentioned details above, basic assumptions in this article can be considered as: 1)The relationship between social status and musical tolerance is a positive and significant relationship (Statistically). 2)The relationship between social status and musical exclusion is a negative and significant relationship (Statistically). To study these assumptions, firstly we have classified general kinds of music to six categories: 1)Persian classical music, 2)Persian popular music, 3)Western classical music, 4)Western popular music, 5)Persian local music, 6)World music. These 6 categories are divided into nineteen more detailed kinds in the next step. Secondly we have gathered data through survey method among two districts of Tehran (Ekhtiaryie and Javadyie) as two districts that show high and low status symbols. Sample size of this survey is 360 people that include people with the age range over fifteen years old. In addition to the survey method and the questionnaire, the library method was also used for determining some of the references concerning the relationships between social stratification and cultural consumption. We mainly focused on an argument in this field which is widely known as Omnivore- Univore argument. The Findings show that relationship between social status and musical tolerance is a positive and significant relationship (Statistically) and relationship between social status and musical tolerance is a negative and significant relationship (Statistically). If we divided the social statuses to three different low, medium and high levels, by comparing the average of these three different we can conclude that the average score of low level musical exclusion is higher than other levels, or comparison also proves that the average score of the high level musical tolerance is higher than the other levels.
