

Art has functions other than mere expression of feelings. And in addition, the main function of art is not the expression of feelings.
Knowledge of any phenomenon hinges on awareness of its inherent features. The way an artist conceives his idea and transfers his feelings is also important. More significant is the way the viewers most effectively would perceive the artists ideas and messages.
Feelings can be duly conveyed by patterns of expression and meanings agreed upon by the artists and their addressees.
Obviously, art cannot be bound by agreed patterns and frameworks, since then the understanding of the truth for all audiences may become difficult.
Tolstoi in his book What is Art? defines art as the power to convey those feelings which the artist has experienced and would like to have his audiences experience the same impressions.
Art expresses itself through the two expressive media of aesthetics and subject matter, one of which is
the primary element of art and the other is secondary.
Finally, it should be noted that art cannot be only the expression of feelings, not any expression of feelings is art; only some of the expressions of feelings may be considered “art”.