

In the aftermath of the 1997 earthquake in the southern region of Khorasan where more than 1700 people were killed and many villages destroyed and several ruined. it is worthy to reflect on the fact that t he region was also struck by another quake in 1978. Major repair and restoration was conducted on the buildings and structures of the region and the area was covered by preventive measures.
In the recent earthquake, the majority of buildings were again severely damaged and the question rose as to where and how the previous restorations were conducted inefficiently. Deficiencies in planning,
design and calculations are important aspects to observe, but due to its economic, cultural, and social consequences, the most important aspect that requires careful scrutiny is the implementation and supervision of restorations.
In an overview of the damages which happened due to inefficient restoration and negligent supervision, important structural aspects have been surveyed and in the end the author has reflected on t he reasons for the prevalence of inefficient restorations in cecent developments of quake stricken