

Attending to different interpretations of Islamic city, its attributes are the most important points which should be defined. to achieve this goal, recognition of principles which are the route of these attri butes have special importance, because these principles should affect everything being called Islamic. The essay endeavors' to introduce attributes of an Islamic city which are derived from the Islamic sacred texts. An Islamic city is:
the city of manifestaion of Unity (Tawhid): Tawhid as the main essential principle of Islam has to be manifested in Islamic cities. This manifestation apears in social unity and the unity of man-made and natural envi ronments.
The city of worship (ibadah): Worship comprises the whole life in all its details from formal worship to everyday activities. In addition, servitude of Allah is the fundamental aim of creation. These two principles (worship and servitude) should playa vital role in the formation of the fabric of Islamic city. The spiritual urban elements have to be dominated over the whole city both psychologically and physically.
The city of righteousness (taqwa): The most important effect of taqwa on Islamic city is keeping people away from sins.
The city of guidance (hidayah): Built environment play_ an important role in directing Man's thought and behaviour. An Islamic city should guide its inhabitants in different ways to Islamic values and the goal which is the base of human creation and life.
The city of rememberance (dhike) and contemplation (tafakkor): According to Islamic teachings, Man knows the principles and values as his nature (fit'rah) which should be remindered. The Islamic city reminds peo')le of these values by creating contact with
nature, getting benefit from the Quranic verses, applying symbols and signs and by creating oppurtunities for people to contemplate.
The city of justice (adl): Justice, as one of the main attributes of Allah's work, is one of the main principles which should be considered in all Man's activities as the vicegerance of God (khalifa'tallah). The Islamic city is one of the best places for the manifestation of justice.
The city of improvement (islah): One of the main human tasks on Earth is doing islah and avoiding
fasad (corruption), and the built environment is one of the best places in which this principle and human task can be demonstrated.
The city of thanks (shoke): Paying attention to the meaning of shokr (thanks) in Islamic teachings, requires manifestation of practical shokr by the use of Diving gifts on their appropriate and relevant places.
The city of lesson (ibrah): Muslims are invited to benefit from the past as a source of lessons. Therefore, an Islamic city is the mirror of lessons as a result of human acts, by which inhabitants of the city are encouraged to repeat the best things and avoid the worst.
The city of safety and security (amniyat): Islam has paid special attention to different aspects of security and safety in Muslim communities. An Islamic city provides all aspects of security and safety for its inhabitants.
The city of goodness(ihsan): Islamic teaching leads Muslims to consider goodness especially towards their relevants and neighbours. This consideration can affect the fabric and spacial organisation of the city and make it distinguishable from other cities.
The city of moderation (ta'adol): Considering moderation, as the manifestation of justice in all aspects of human life, is one of the main attributes of an Islamic city.