

The writer attempts, in the present research, to disambiguate the university course called «The philosophy of the Islamic Art» and to expose it to a critical evaluation and semantic clarification.
Guided by the writer's perspectives on philosophy, the philosophy (hekmat) of art is not ambiguous any more. Rather, it is a rational, mistic and extra-sensual issue. It goes back in its historic origin to the civilization and thoughts of Ancient Greece. It starts from Socratese, Plato, and Aristotle and the great thinkers of the world of Islam such as Ave sina, Sohrevardy, Ebne Arabee, Aabzevary. It owes its growth to the erudite thinkers of the western world such as Rodolf Otto, Norman Kisler, Mircha Elyade and to the converted to Islam thinkers of the western
world such as Burkhart and Gesnon and to the contemporany postmodern thinkers such as Vatima and Lyotar.
In the view of these thinkers, philosophy (hekmat) is a rational and transcendental and divine issue
which presents the imaginative ideas of Islamic art in a better perspective. It leads Islamic art into the domain of mysticism through abstract linguistic figures, «In Realm of Beauty».
But the significant point in the present thesis is that the writer adds a novel and new aspect to the ideas of both past and contemporary thinkers: i.e., a philosophical and erudite approach to the issues of Beauty and Existenep as they befall us from the Heavens and as they become earth-bound and manifest themselves in human objective and figurative forms and at the same time keep their sublime essence. They will once again heave on the earth an will head for Heavens..