

Learning about the world’s prominent visual artists has been an active academic trend in our country in it’s recent past. A number of major art history books have been translated, several glossaries and encyclopedias of visual arts have been published, and some of the world’s prominent artists’ biographies have been translated as well. Namely, these are some of the steps taken to cultivate research and investigation in the field. Unfortunately, however, in our country there has not yet been an encyclopedia containing the names, as well as their correct pronounciations, of the world’s prominent visual artists.
While translating and editing an art book, I realized the lack of any publication with such specific listings and information. The need motivated me to organize and edit such an encyclopedia.
In this work, the listings of the correct pronounciations originate from and are consistent with the artist’s native language. I have listed the dates of birth and death while I have included each artist’s field of concentration so that the period and the nature of the artistic activity are clearly defined for the reader. To further facilitate such examinations, the alphabetical listings are organized and edited in latin.
