

In past there was a great care with a view to execution of religion's rules in constructing and huildll1g of the mosqve, and nobody have competence of building the mosque, so, whenever somebody decicled to do the first step of foundation of the mosque he invited the most honest and virtuous person in the town to do it for him. it
means that they exactly emphasize in the construction of the mosque this part of koran (verse No. 108 of SURA TUBE (Repentance)) «... A mosque that was founded upon godfearing from the first day is wortlier for thee to stand in ,..»
Therefore the architects and founders of the mosque always have an important rules in the acceptance of the mosque and if often a mosque was building by kindon or government those was formalities and usually used on cermonies, so, these mosque in public was known as non popular's mosque that thes mosque usually finds in capitals forexample Shah Mosque or Sepah Sallar Masque in Tehran.
Therefore we must have attention in our argument about building of mosque in religioude texts and the men's role in the architecture of the mosque in Koran (verse No.
18 SURA TUBE) and also care in some traditions and narratives of our grate holy leaders (that God bless them).