

Since 1954 there has been 5 censuses in Iran.
The18.9 millions population of Iran in 1954, reached
more than 60 millions in 1994, which is more than three
times, During this period, the urban population raised from 6 millions III 1954, up to 36 millions in 1994, which is more than six times, At the same time, the rural populaion grew from 13 millions to 23 millions, which is less than double,
Statistics shows a high rate of population growth, and an immense migration from rural areas to urban areas and cities, in this period, in Iran,
The main purpose of this paper is to trace the directional changes of the urban population gravity centers in the last half century, The calculations show that the urban Jopulation gravity center moves from NE to SW, while these gravity centers are located around Ahvaz city in KhlJuzi Han province,
Based on past trends and recent economic develo_ melllS the future gravity center will continue to move tlwards SW, but more inclined to south rather than