

Language consists or some determinative vocabularies
and grammer which has a kind of generality that enables people either to state and form their thoughts or make them to he undrestood by an interpreter family. On the Olher hand language is a creative process which enables individuals to state the variety of their thoughts by using the same determinative vocabularies and grammar. This
proccss Leads to crcation of many differential texts and discourses which are reflecting different mentalities of writers and speakers. These properties are the same as what is needed in a theory or language of urban design. So what kind of linguistics theories are compatible for urban design specially when it is aiming to formulate the urban design language within a special culture and locality? The lindings of this study shows that any sole linguistics theory
could not lead to that porpuse. But a combinded set of some concepts and priniciples of some different theories should be used to form the philosophical and theoretical bases of urban design language within different localities.
