

Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. This famous and mysterious portrait has mesmerized contemporary painters and graphic designers. The painting is too complicated in the sense that the viewer explores new images within the portrait.
The recent studies on this artistic work is pencil
design matching the persona in the portrait with the artist's own images. The glory and mystery hidden in
this portrait has inspired many artists to contemplate and conduct research studies on it.
They have duplicated the portrait and the designers manipulated the work in order to establish stronger bonds with the painting and its audience.
There have been various interpretations of Mona Lisa. On the one hand, it looks sad and full of sorrow and on the other hand, it smiles to you. Truly, what is it that lies behind this painting and has made the
world spell-bound when they look at it?
Why among the portrait wearing a smile on their faces, this smile known as La Giconda is distinguished and glorified as a masterpiece.
Mona Lisa: During 1503-1504, Leonardo Da Vinci occasionally Worked on Madonna Elizabeth's portrait (Mona LIsa). She was the third wife of Franchescodel Juckondoe. It seems that she has lost her child in 1499. Maybe this sorrowful loss has made her to pose in this way. One can read a very deep, meaningful melancholy in the background of
seemingly charming smile in La Gioconda.
Leonardo has performed his best to intergrate innate nature, spirit, art, and science in a piece of one portrait.
Mon_ Lisa is not strikingly pretty in complexion. It is only her magnificent smile that has most interested the portrait's advocates. Probably the smile