

The relation between the Sociology of art and ideology is one of the most important approaches adopted in the domain of theorizing and the critique of arts.
As a science as well as an ideology and as variable influencing social science, the Sociology of art has become dominant approach in the circles of art experts theoricians and reviewers.
This approach gives rise to a number of questions such as: "Cm ideology be considered an effective factor in art criticism ?"
In a larger context, the question arises whether human sciences, their applications and their products are influenced, in a way or another, by ideology or are the results of inner simultaneous stimuli or may be shaped by existing realities?"
These questions, as a whole, caused the writer of these words to make researches which led to the writing of this paper, in which the relations between ideology and Sociology of art are studied, mainly by reviewing of some schools of art, including critical realism, social realism, Frankfurt school, structuralism and school of love.
Since ideology dictates to people Jiving under it what to
do and what not to do, it controls various branches of fine arts strictly and transfers them from the realm of creativity, transparency and honesty, which are the natural places of arts and artists, to the territory of compulsory observance of ruling precepts and tenets and of the artificiality, unless the ideology becomes a subject of love and belief and influences the whole conscious or sub-conscious levels of the artist's mind.
