

Adaptation is an important and a well established art in in filmmaking. Soon after the emergence of the technique of preseving and exhibiting moving pictures, storg telling became an integral part of this new phenomenon and the bulk of human imagination as well as experiences preserved in words became a source of inspiration and adaptation for film writers.
History of cinema has witnessed many adaptations of even one single source. Some novels and plays and for that matter some writers have been more popular among filmmakers and it seems that certin literary forms can more easily be adapted into films.
Screenplays based on a material, already pvblished, is looked upon a category which, for instance the Academy of Motion fictore Arts and saiences gives awards for. In addition, the majority of films with Oscars for the Best
Film 'of the Year are those that have adapted screenplays.
Filmmaking and literature are so intertwined that they are somehow inseparable. This article covers the many aspects that literature and inflvence one another, lightly reviews the extent of film adaptations before the victory of Islamic Revolvtion in Iran, and in particular delves into film adaptations in post revolotionary in Iran.