

Semiology is a knowledge that studies about signs and classifies them. This articles tries
to read a sample of Iranian Miniature, " Fereidoun examining his sons" , the work of
Sultan Muhammad, from Tabriz school, from a semiologic view. Also, different kinds of Denotative and Connotative significations, paradigmatic and syntagmatique axis, and finally
intertextual significations in Image Semiology and role of these symbolic systems in qual¬ity of meaning production, are considered. Intratextual relations that discussed, are the significations and signs that exist in the image world, and intertextual relations or outer returns, a re the same outer relations that in stratifica¬tional reading of a text world, eather image or the text itself, are so important. These relations can also discuss on name and personal style of artist, and artistic style of the work. Semiology tries to approach to this reading by opening the
symbols, and brows the relations between them and quality of meaning production. Of course reviewing the relation of image and text in this miniature and reviewing signs like symbolic, Icon and index signs and intertextual relations results on stratificational reading of this work.
