

Because of internal strife and political upheaval, the Afsharid painting has been lit¬
tle studied. Nadir shah Afshar rose to power in 1720s and 1730s. Nadir shah's ambitions and vision extended well beyond the borders of Iran. The artistic production of the period was primari¬ly restricted to royal commissions and retained the Perso - European themes. Court painters trained in the Perso - European mode and islo¬lated from direct contact with cosmopolitan trends. Commissions for life - size paintings for p 31aces were few. The image of Nadir Shah ellerges as the most distinctive theme of paint¬irgs from this period. Oil portraits and a few detached water colors of the ruler executed by Perso - European artists. The decoration of lac¬ -guerwork
was limited this period to small - scale floral decoration. An album of Persian painting and calligraphy was assembled in the royal ate¬liers for Mirza Mihdi Astarabadi. This article dis¬cuss disintegration of arts of boob and dawn of life - size painting in Afsharid period.
