

The traditional art and Architecture are based on the principle of Correspondence
between human and Universe. On the simple traditional human's view, humanity concepts 3re so expended that include Universe which is described as a human. It seems that according
to this theory there is a vast expand similarity
between Universal concepts and humanity con¬cepts.
The influence of this theory in sacred architec¬ture is a similarity between geometrical dimen¬sion of temple - as the small type of universe ¬and body of human ( this matter is improved in Hindu and Buddhism architecture and Christian architecture that believes in church as the body of Jesus) so the structure of Universe and
human are the same .Because of this meaning in cosmology of oriental religions (especially Islam) geometrical forms explain the dimen¬sion of Universe and are manifested in sacred architecture. In this way, circle and square are in especial place that in cosmological text, show us unlimited Universe(as a circle)and its limited dimension(as a square).
In Islamic civilization Kabah ,is the most important symbol on this theory. This article describes the manifestation of sacred geometry in Islamic architecture.
