

No one is unaware of the stutus and significance of art-education in the sphere of academics, and special in this regard, is its sole in economic, social and cultural developments,
The Continual study and evaluation of educational and training know-how and ways of conveying 'the technical - artistic experiences is one of the principal Conditions of Upgrading the level of art education in both quantitave and qualitative aspects, and yet, carry 0' out of the new educational experiences is a necessity for the development and improvement of
the educational models.
In this essay, the author has approached to just one of the educational curriculum of M.A program in illustration arts, of which he has been in charge and so, the quantitative - qualitative evaluations are not of his concern, But, whatever emphasized here, is a blueprint of a new educational curriculum and outline of new experiences in design, image creation and proper use of modern means of drawing, specially Computer-generated facitites,
By Conducting scientific image-making and Communicating with reseaschers of other disciplines of science, students and designeirs in this field have been oble to go beyond the limitis
of image- making in traditional sense, and acquire a Comprehensive undustanding of natural phenomena through theoretical and experimental studies. As a result of these abilities, they have now a more effective presence in Contemporary scientific and artistic activities.
Doing the research work is one
of the educational objectives in graduate studies, especially in art programs; thus, by presenting a research model in 5 stages, namely: facing the problem, accumulation and testing, organization and analysis of
research process, the author has considered an important discourse ahich is essential for research in
art. Despite the old times when artists generally did their art wok individually, today- regarding the multiplicity of the expertise and the need for ewployment of all spheres of science and technology - introduction of group endeavaurs have found its significance.
The artists also, slould familiarize thewselves with group enderouss; thus, in scentific image-waking program, as suggested by the authar, cooperation of research in other scientific disciplines is considered as essential. Acquiring the specalist's capabilities and talents, in addition to being familiar with new tools and means of drawing enables the artist to participate actively in artistic and cultural interaction scenes and gives him
the required self-esteem and abilities.