

Seljuk and Il-khanid periods are two turning points in Persian architecture. During these long periods of time new plans and new kinds of decorations came into existence using two mediums: stucco and brick. One of these decorative methods is called “brick-ended plugs” which the present study is going to discuss. There has been no deep research about brick-ended plugs. Some reports in this area are as follow:
1- Donald Wilber in his book “Islamic Persian Architecture during Il-khanids” has reported this kind of decoration for the first time.
2-Arthur O. Pope in the book “A Survey of Persian Art”, vol 3, part 40 has given a very short explanation about brick-ended plugs.
3-In the book “The Decorations of Persian Architecture” brick-ended plugs are mentioned as a kind of decoration as a part of brick decorative.
Brick-ended plugs are a kind of decorative tuck pointing which is used horizontally or vertically in rectangular spaces between brick ends. This decoration is used from late Ghaznavid era till the end of Il-khanid period. The latest type of this kind is found in Sang-bast from Ghaznavid period but we can see other examples in many other buildings like Masjid-e-Jame Isfahan, Barsian, Ardestan, Oshtorjan, Golpaygan, Gazvin, Varamin and in many other places.While ornamental brick working mostly takes a space of 3-4 cm in width and 3-6 cm in length, it remains between the ends of two adjacent bricks. This space is filled by hard plaster, lime mortar or even terracotta. The motifs were cast or carved on these mediums. The variety and aptness of the designs are astonishing. Although some of the motifs could be seen in other architectural decorations but most of them are specific in this method.
The motifs could be categorized into 4 groups:
1-Monograms in Cufic style: there is not much variety seen in this style. Holy words like “Allah”, “Mohammad” and “Ali” are mostly used beside the inscriptions which are made by joining all brick-ended plugs on the whole surface of the wall.
2-Geometric patterns: The overwhelming principle of decoration is the geometric patterns that appear in the purest forms. There is not much variety seen here and patterns are made up of the combination of two elements such as “the line and triangle”, “the line and the circle” or “square and triangle” and so on.
3-Floral ornament: floral patterns are mainly used in trellis works, Four-platted flowers, foliages, simple leaves and tiny arabesques.
4-Fret bands: the great variety of available shapes ultimately resolves itself into long bands which width, length and direction are either imposed by the lines of the architecture or the bands surrounds each brick and this is fastened at each end by a brisk little knot. Brick-ended plugs have been used during a long time in all kinds of buildings form the late of Ghaznavid period till the end of Il-khanid era. The facile production and simple motifs used are the main reasons for this long time of usage. The white color of brick-ended plugs bring a kind of balance among the colors of bricks in the whole wall surface, and also their simple motifs hold the eyes from outside of the building to the complicated decorations inside, and this is what they really mean: A good balance between stucco and brick decorations.
