

by deepening the nature and the meaning of function in architecture and testing the Modernists' dictum "form follows function" through content analysis of modernist masters' statements, the research finds that there are some contradictions among the statements and unacceptable conclusions. It is suggested that although the Modernists' slogan is a major break through in architectural normative theory it is not comprehensive enough in order to find a just relationship between form and function or between physical environment and human behavior and needs. The research findings reveal that the concept of functionalism is anchored with vast varieties of human characteristics and needs and potential affordances of physical environment and/or architectural forms. The paper finds that it is necessary to revise the modernists' slogan. It finds that Modernist deterministic approach to the relationship between form and function is unacceptable. It selects a probabilistic approach and offers a new statement which can contribute to the better understanding of the nature of form and function and their relationship in architectural design and theory.Architects will be able to build theory based on their knowledge and practice to elevate architectural and environmental quality.
