

shiz is being known as one the major religious city prior to the Islam period. Takht-e-Soleiman is one the remaining of that period, now is located in the south of West Azerbaijan.
This study has been carried out on the basis of finding in two sections. First section of the study is dealing with the investigation regarding the location of Shiz and its conformity with the existing site of the Takht-e-Soleiman in addition Azargoshnasb fire temple. Also has been considered as an indicator in order to get some relevance to the history of the site.
Through out historical reviews and sources, first we have looked at conformity of Azargoshnasb fire temple with Takht-e-Soleiman and then comparison of the finding with location of the city of Shiz in this regard.
Since the existing remaining on the site is belong to the sasani and Ilkhani periods, therefore the physical analysis carried out within two periods. The end result of finding indicates that the location of Takht-e-Soleiman is conforming to location of the city of Shiz. Probably, building of Shiz was been based on water and fire in sasani period. These elements have influence on form of city.
