

Aliquli Beg Jabadar , Persian painter, worked in the Second half of the 17 th century who painted in “Farangi” manner. He referred to himself as Farangi. This Led Ivanov and A. Welch to suggest That Aliquli was a European who arrived in Persia in the mid-17 th century and was converted to Islam and then taken into the service of the Shah. A more convincing explanation is that he came from Georgia, as had other soldiers and artists attached to Safavid Court. In my opinion, Aliquli was born in
Persia and the was son of Garachughai Khan II, who became the governor of Mashhad. He had posts of Kitabdar (Librarian) and jabadar (Keeper of the Armoury). He referred to himself as ghulamzada-I qadimi , From Which it seems that he was born a bondsman. In this Article, his household, his ties with the Georgians, and his distinctive style are discussed.
