

In the center of Tabriz, there is remains of an ancient hurge and glorious monument building which has been named Ark of Tabriz, Ark of Alishah, Tagh i Alishah and Mosque of Alishah through the times. The Ark of Tabriz is the collapsed remains of an Iwan which is bigger and higher than Tagh i Kasara in Tisfoon . Architecturally, the Ark of Tabriz is one the most important and great monuments in architecture of Iran because of its height and huge dimensions. Some scholars have studied Ark of Tabriz through historical documents since there has never been an archaeological approach as well as architecture one before. Therefore, they
had believed that Ark of Tabriz is the remains of the glorious Mosque of Alishah. However, not only historians have clearly described the Mosque of Alishah but also there is no evidence pointing to the Ark of Tabriz as being that mosque. This paper, which is based on the archaeological evidences, architectural analysis and critical approach to historical documents, has established that Ark of Tabriz is not the remains of Mosque of Alishah.
