

Underly the urban and regional development Process are different theoretical aspects which deal with several effective socio-economic factors. Because of limitations in those factors, undeveloped cities or regions are moving backward in this process. For cities or regions with low level of productivity, it is possible to absorb improved production technology from more developed areas. This will begins with “ Catching up” process. A necessity for “Catching up” process is to have sufficient” Social ability”. Within two societies, the one with more social ability, will develop faster, although eventually both will converge at same point.
Level of social ability in each city or region points to the extent which a city or region can
expect development in order to reduce regional disparities. Social ability in a city or region is related to two basic factors:
“Convergence Capability” in from of “Spatial Transaction” and “Social Advantages” leading to some level of “Human Capital”. This paper looks at the effects of those factors on urban
development in Iran. It tries to analyze those Case studies about
phenomena in Iran.
