

This article is a comparative study between two dramatic works, the Ta’ziyeh of Imam Hussein (AS) and the film The Passion of The Christ (by Mel Gibson). Although the two works are different in regard to their dramatic styles and even their artistic and religious precedence, some similarities can plainly be observed between them that are not present in other dramatic works on the life of Jesus Christ. The article first refers to more general similarities including an account of the two characters’ pain and sufferings, the motive behind the resistance and martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) and Jesus, the significance of blood in both narrations, how friends betray the heroes and how the main characters are left alone. Then, more specific similarities are studied, for example a comparison is made between the characters Mary, Hazrat Zahra (AS), Hazrat Zeynab (AS), Pontius
Pilate, the Roman general, and Hor. Other events include how the two characters’ clothes are ripped and how the heavens and earth turn black. In fact, by raising comparisons between these works, the article aims to make readers aware of the common principle present among different religions and various narrations that have a religious root.
