

The findings of this study are the results of the author’s field studies and experimental research in graphics, a comprehensive search in information networks, a library review and a historical study, in which the author has tried to describe the significant aspects of Kamal Al-din Behzad’s art management in the golden era of Iran’s history of art.
The main objective of the present study is to examine the procedures and patterns of Kamal Al-din Behzad’s art management. The assumptions of the present research are as follows:
1. Kamal al-din Behzad’s artistic and experimental conditions have been in accordance with applying art management. He was a professional artist and had understood the experi Habib-alla
ences of managers before him and deserved such a position.
2. Kamal Al-din Behzad’s approach could be perceived from his paintings and the historical records and documents, (“Decree of the Appointment of master Kamal al-Din Behzad as Head of Royal Library”).
3. According to the educational system of that period (master! apprentice), it is assumed that Kamal Al-din Behzad , the trained artist of that system, practiced the management method of a leadership type.
