

The effort of this text is concentrated on a relatively clear and complete interpretation of modernity. Though modernity creates a disturbed unattainable situation, comprehension of nature of modernity will lead to understanding of modernism and the different urban modernizations which from the most initial circle of production and regeneration cycle. The cycle which has transformed us to what we are.
This effort seeks the fixed principles from the masterpiece of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe:
“Faust”. Viewpoint of Goeth toward modernity leads us to the principles in the path of alternation out of the modern subject, consistency and continuity of which will make the man wondered
in the area of city. In other words, the man ifestation of this two-sided alternation is attainable in the symbolic hero of modern city: ” Faust ”. In fact by achieving such principles and contemplation to them , a new reception of contemporary urbanization and modern cities will be acquired. This contemplative appreciation can be called:
“Faust development model.”
