

This paper studies the role of the Modern urban planning in the occurrence of traffic violations of pedestrians of the old fabric of Tabriz city. In addition to the documentation review of the field observations, the methodology employed in this study is the comparison of
present maps, and rational analysis as well. The relevant investigations suggest that in the old fabric, traffic violations of the pedestrians depend on the severance of the physical fabric, the density of the urban activities resulted from the centrality of the area, the poor continuity of
pedestrian networks, and the like. Since the occurrence of traffic violations is due mainly to the unsystematic planning and the lack of a adaptability of the modern and the old urban networks than the culture of violation itself, therefore it’s appearance is not only a natural reflection but also due to this very reason, seems to be inevitable. On the base of findings of the study, in the first place, the necessary action for the improvement or decrease of the
culture of violence is the improvements of design and in the later stages, education and creation of the relevant culture.
