

Areview on housing conditions in various countries and societies shows that almost all countries have housing problems. Some countries, mainly developing societies, confront housing problems in the contexts of quantitative aspects, such as housing shortage, population growth, migration and economic problems. The developed countries have housing problems in the contexts of qualitative aspects. Housing’ indicators, on the one hand, are instruments for the recognition of housing conditions in various aspects. On the other hand, they are key instrument for the housing perspective and future conditions. This paper analyses some key urban housing indicators in Iran. The findings show that two types of factors affected Iranian housing indicators, including external and inter-
nal factors. External factors, such as population, economy and social factors, affected housing indicators at the national level. Internal factors affected housing indicators in some aspects. One of the most important internal factors is the way and process in which housing indicators are defined and applied. It is necessary to define the position of housing indicators scientifically and comprehensively. Research should be undertaken to define the relation between housing indicators and other factors. This process can improve housing and urban development plans.
