

This essay studies and introduces the aesthetic specifications of safavid style wood carving. Since Safavid wood carving during the period of shah Tahmasp attains its perfection. Therefore in this research the wood carving
concerning his era have been analysed on the basis of field observations.
Aesthetic principles of Safavides wood carving not only from contexts viewpoints has its own origin in the beliefs of the relevant artisians ,
But also due to visual circumstances has been able to increase the unit and visual attraction of this artistic field. This specialty has not only created the foregoing style but also it is possible to use it for high quality of this artistic field in anytime.
Iran woodcarving art in the reign of Shahtahmasp like political and social situation was grown and formed in several stages. This growth that is observable in executive and drawing of this artform got its peak in three stages so
we can devide the woodcarving of Shahtahmasp period into three time sections. That in this article discuss them. The characteristics of this woodcarving art in each of these parts changed and provided the necessary back ground for the next part.
