

Categories such as experience and memory have always been controversial subjects in the domain of urban design. Therefore, dealing with these issues is unavoidable in the process of designing and theorization of human settlements. However, we as urban designer usually ignore the fact that these categories themselves have been under substantial tranformation during the new age. Walter Benjamin, an important thinker of the recent century, is the one who studies these changes in the modern era and the metropolis. It is evident that those subjects comprise complicated elements, and it is impossible to study all of them in a short review such as this. Here , therefore we are just
trying to find and understand the most important characteristics and results of this transformation through Benjamin’s ideas and theories; such as: The dominance of lived experience and involuntary memory; reciprocal relationships between metropolis, memory, and experience; the experience of modernity and living in metropolis as transitory, fleeting, and fortuitous.
