

This paper investigates the origin and the capacity for objective research in architecture. Transformation of the concept of truth in metaphysics, and consequently that of architecture and art, reduces architecture to something pertaining to knowledge. Before, architecture was a practical science regarding techne. Perception of truth as correspondence in metaphysics and as coherence in science, assumed acquisition as their method for contemplating on the truth. This will always hold off the truth of an architectural work.
The achievement of this paper, undertook with an analytical-archeological method, is an effort to evade this acquisition. Truth as aletheia - as accepted in this paper - knows truth as something eventuating, and not existing, to be probable. In his Persian Dictionary, Dehkhoda cites research as realizing truth, rather than a search for it. Architectural truth cannot be obtained from what has been hitherto; neither it can be examined this way. Another finding of this paper states that the impression made by a work of art or architecture can not be a subject for research or contemplation, rather it is an element that provides the opportunity to think. Thus architectural research should be conceived as thinking with architecture, more willingly than thinking about architecture.
