

There are a considerable number of definitions regarding Islamic architecture which always addressing tangible issues and its literal sense. This feature is regarding intangible criteria of Islamic Architecture, which is a kind of intuitionalist approach. In this closure, architect is the medium he who connects the Lord acts to its addressees. A muslin architect, yields his soul to the holy divine inspiration and expresses only what the Lord ordered him to do in his Earth. The spirit of Islamic Architectural order is what could be called sense of unity, unity with the ethereal being. The holy spirituality, which is ubiquitous, is the result of intuitive strategies of Islamic architects. Wisdom and intuitive approach to Islamic Architecture is elixir that enhances these mundane buildings to eternal holy places and inspire the indelibility sprit in them. Mystic senses of Islamic Architecture are what, whose theologian architects barrowed from heaven zeitgeist of their periods and an eternal principle which
called “wisdom of Islamic Architecture” in this feature, which has an endogenous and pioneer attitude in his hidden heritage and can be used in contemporary Architecture, which is the most useful issue for pioneer Islamic Architects in order to describe a glorified future for Islamic architecture.
