

Until 1960’s most of the European urban planners were planning standards for intra city transportation network in a car-friendly manner. But, this point of view has been changed to a people-friendly urban planning, since 1970’s. In this case, they try to plan pedestrian and cycling paths to reduce the bad effects of living in growing-up cities, for example, the air pollution arising from motor vehicles transportation. These standards have been planned in the condition of the European cities. Therefore, they should be developed and sometimes should be changed for other situations.
Since non-development intra city transportation system in Iran results in air pollution, traffic and insecurity of citizens, it is needed to use people- friendly urban planning standards for designing pedestrians and cycling paths. But the use of
these standards, without understanding the differences between local conditions, cannot lead us to a true answer. For example, in Tehran, these standards must be planned after studying the form of the city, the fabric of it, the volume of the traffic, the weather condition, the socio-cultural condition and the topography of Tehran.
In this research, the possibility of comparing the existing standard of planning pedestrian and cycling paths with the structure of the old Tehran has been examined, to lead the urban planning programmers to the people- friendly approach.
