

The present article, compiled on the basis of the librarious method, introduces the Mudejars and deals with their role in the artistic life of the society of the Middle Ages’ Spain. It is, in fact, an analysis of the interactions between Islamic and Christian civilizations in the Iberia Peninsula. This study points to the attempts the Mudejars made in architecture and other arts to combine Islamic heritage with Christian designs and created patterns which were in proportion to the circumstances of that time. By doing this, the Mudejars aimed at drawing the support from the Christian patricians and rulers. This art was begun that although by the Mudejars in order to the
retention of Islamic patterns in the Christian territory but it was recognized gradually as simply indigenous. The writer shows that in general Mudejar art and architecture involves poor rather than sumptuous materials. Moreover, in this assay, we have reminded that in spite of their hostility towards the Muslim minorities the Christian rulers didn’t neglect their artistic skills and therefore used the abilities of their Muslim subjects. Thus the Mudejars had a considerable contribution to the expansion of the artistic traditions in Spain.
