

Among basic needs of human being housing is an important factor and its quality, quantity and location characteristics depend on the health of people. In Iran the 5-year developmental plans include the quantity of needed units of housing, but the process of preparing these plans involve some critical points which are debatable, for example in the second 5-year plan needed housing units are estimated as 2.5 million units, and Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has undertaken only 5% and the 95% remaining units have been given over to the private sector without any definition and legislation. The result of the work of private sector at the five
years were the high-rise buildings for the rich people without development of the infrastructure and network of traffic routs. At the West European countries they proceed with housing policy with four kinds of policy-making:
Rightism , leftism , mediocrity and Tacherism.
This article aims to compare these policies with urban policy of Iran and the results may be useful for further policy-making in Iran.
