

The British Arts and Crafts Movement (1850-1914) is an artistic and ideological movement recognized as one of the pioneers of art in the 20th century Europe. The formation of this
movement has its roots in the confusion of intellectuals and artists, whose anger and indignation toward the increasing wave of mechanization led them to a common purpose, which was based on the promotion of applied arts to the degree of fine arts. Therefore, their aim was to reform design and ultimately society through a return to handcraft.
William Morris (1834-1896) as the leading theoretician of this movement is the first artist who was influenced by the ideas of Augustus Pug in (1812-1852) and John Ruskin (1819-1900), the most powerful reformist and theoretician of Victorian era. Morris worked towards unity in the arts by promoting qualities such as simplicity, utility and honesty in a work of art. This was achieved by a loose collaboration with artists such as William de Morgan (1839-1917) and Charles Ash bee (1863-1942), and also other friends and partners.
In the search for a new language, other than the usual accents, these artists rejected the ugly eclectic designs of western products. They found the most beautiful and greatest artistic language of all ages in the Islamic-Persian arts, especially in the Persian ornaments; a language best expressive of their moral and ethical thinking and ideas in their quest against the ever- increasing dominance of the machine. Based on an understanding of the profound and spiritual ideas of Persian designers, which were independent from time and space, these artists were fascinated and delighted by the inherent beauty and modesty of Persian ornaments. Although the tendency of their time was against their attitude, European intellectuals and designers welcomed their creations. As a result, their concept of design formed the artistic basis of 20th century in Europe.
In this paper, the depiction of historical, social and industrial background of 19th century in Europe will lead us to the understanding of the aim and objectives, as well as the ideological tendency of the leaders of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Also, we will search the reasons of the influence of Persian designs on their work throughout a detailed research of the secrets and symbols in Persian ornaments. Finally, the comparative analysis between the outstanding products of this movement and Persian masterpieces will conclude the subject.
