

Religion, arts, literature and mysticism have an unbreakable ties with our divine culture; however, sometimes sufficient attention is not paid to them.lts mystery appears when the
feeling and inspiration are awaken with in us that the human knowledge have an inner taste and divine vision. This is particulary true for both mysticism and music since in our traditional culture, mysticism always is accompanied with ecstasy, taste, mystic circle dances (Samae) and mediating pleasure and mod. The art of “Samae” and its mystic sounds has affected the Gnostic culture, literature and human spiritual journey. Sorrowful sounds and rhythms in this traditional /spiritual music have balanced a compatibility with the psychological and divine structure of self and its inside lost and sorrow and it is this very quality and inner compatibility of self with mystic music that unties him from ties scatter of mind. It gives unity, tranquility and peace of mind. From epistemological view, this Samae and mystic music has been based on a scientific philosophia Prennis and Gnosticism , reflecting the fixed and eternal facts taken from the invisible world.
