

Without any doubt , a strong relationship exist between Persian litrature and persian painting and it’s obvious that the illustration and decoration of literary books were advanced through the centuries.
The splendid effects of both literal and visual culture, which come from different parts of the world and from various period in history have emerged from profound spiritual characteristics of the poets and painters.
On the other hand, such dependency and similarity of concepts within different thoughts are developed out of religious roots and Gnostic culture of Islam.
Athough the painters have often used the poets’ thoughts and poems, but some of them have gone beyond and that have allowed themselves to add their own thoughts and imaginations to their paintings. for example master of Persian painting the renowned has created the “khawarnaq palace” based on “Nizami’s poem”. Bihzad has moved to a higher meaning, above that of Nizami, and has shown points in his painting which goes beyond what Nizami had intended and visioned in his poem.
