

Not long ago when the limits and boundaries of the cities were specified by their gates, the points of entry to the cities had high spatial quality and wereconsidered as significant
elements of the city.
Due to growth and expansion of today’s cities, the points of entry have given way to express lanes and highways for vehicles passage and, in turn, their surrounding lands are being used for services and businesses which are incompatible with the environment, and are intensifying the visual irregularities of these spaces.
In order to determine the criteria for designing the new points of entry to the cities, this research studied the existing points of entry of two cities with different topographic characteristics “the points of entry of Jajroud-Tehran and Kashan-Qom”. The former is located in the mountainous and planted region while the latter is located in a flat and dry valley. Then, with respect to the existing limitations and potential facilities and opportunities, new measures, criteria and standards were developed and proposed to give identity to the aforementioned spaces through using artificial and natural elements and arranging for special services for the points of entry to the city.
